Subculture Fashion: Skinheads

As part of my blog I have decided to include a series of posts that look at subculture fashion, starting off with ‘skinheads’. As part of a sub- group within society, a subculture will develop there own fashion interests, outside of the mainstream. These trends are often that distinctive that they can be used to recognise members of a particular subculture. Below I have put together the trends, that I believe, are the most stand- out of the skinhead subculture.

Dr. Martens



Dr. Marten boots were first put on sale in the 1960’s- years in which the norms surrounding fashion were largely changing, and also the years where the skinhead subculture began. By the 1970’s Dr. Martens had ‘become a symbol of self- expression at the heart of British youth culture’, adopted by a group of youth subcultures including skinheads.

More Dr. Martens history here.

Bomber Jackets



The bomber jacket originated from military clothing, and eventually made its way into youth subcultures such as punk and skinheads. However, unlike the standard military bomber jacket, skinhead bomber jackets are often burgundy in colour- standing out from the ‘traditional’ bomber.

Checked Shirt



Although checkered shirts are relatively popular within mainstream fashion, there are certain aspects of the clothing which make it more recognisable as being ‘skinhead fashion’. Firstly, the top button is always worn undone, and the sleeves are usually rolled up once or twice.

Shaved Heads



The most obvious feature of skinhead fashion is of course the shaven head, and is visible on most members of the skinhead community- men and women- giving the subculture a very distinct and recognisable look.

All images via Pinterest.

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